NIKI BUDALIC | VP, Special Projects
MEGHAN CAMERON | Director of Player Personnel
BERNARDO LOUSTALOT | Director, Soccer Operations and Scouting
GUSTAVO GOMEZ | MLS Team Administrator
EVAN SOKOL | First Team Administrator
JUAN SOUTO | Head Equipment Manager
EDIS MIFTARI | First Team Assistant Equipment Manager
ALEX CAPARELLI | First Team Assistant Equipment Manager
ELI THOMAS | Second Team Equipment Manager
ANTONIO CARDONE | MLS2 Team Administrator
BEN YOUNG I Head of Strength & Conditioning
SERGIO PARRA I Physical Performance and Reconditioning Coach
SOFIA CHAMBERS | Sports Scientist
SEBASTIAN FABRES | Performance Coordinator
WALTER INSAURRALDE | Physical Performance and Reconditioning Coach
SILAS WASZCZUK | Rehab Coach/Physical Therapist
CARLOS CATANO | MLS2 Performance Coach
NICHOLAS CHASE | Academy Performance Coach
KEI UTSUMI | Head Athletic Trainer
JUAN MESA | MLS Athletic Trainer
STEVENS SANCHEZ | MLS Athletic Trainer
JENNIFER ASUAJE | MLS2 Athletic Trainer
JESSICA POKRYFKE | Academy Assistant Athletic Trainer
VALERIA GOMEZ | Academy Assistant Athletic Trainer
FABRICIO AREVALO | Academy Assistant Athletic Trainer
DR. HARLAN SELESNICK | Chief Medical Officer
DR. LUIS RODRIGUEZ | Primary Care Physician
DR. ELI FRIEDMAN | Cardiologist
DR. LOGAN KALETA | Neuropsychologist
JONATHAN SCOTT | Physical Therapist
DR. ROB SEIFER | Sports Psychologist
DR. JULIO PARDAVE | Chiropractor
DR. JAMES LOSITO | Podiatrist
DR. AMANADA NANASY | Optometrist